Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Wonders of Coconut Oil

Let's take a minute to look at one of the most innovative beauty products to hit the shelves: coconut oil. The benefits of coconut oil have been kept secret for far too long now but with recent finding, the popularity of this simple substance has taken off big time.

But what's so great about this stuff anyways? It's just oil..

Oh no friends, it's magic. For a few months now, I had simply been using coconut oil as a replacement for conditioner a few times a week as was suggested from a co-worker. I'd seen the hype all over pinterest and social media but c'mon, who would have thought that something that is typically used for cooking could have such a huge impact on our beauty routines? So, I sat down and decided to do a little research of my own and the results are eye-opening.

For your skin:
    • The Medium-Chain Triglycerides(fancy wording, huh?) help to protect the skin against free radial damage. Not to say that this should replace your usual sunscreen for that day at the beach but for day to day use where your sun exposure is limited, throwing on some coconut oil along side your normal moisturizer could help keep those deadly rays from damaging the largest organ in your body.
    • Coconut oil on it's own has anti-bacterial elements that could be used as a body wash or better yet, combine that with some sugar and you have yourself a homemade exfoliator to strip away dead skin cells. Step out of the shower and replace your usual Jergen's moisturizer with coconut oil. It contains fatty acid that helps lock in moisture and hydrates the skin, giving you beautiful, radiant skin.
    • Out of makeup remover? No worries, just grab a cotton pad and some coconut oil and that waterproof makeup will slide right off. The oil breaks down makeup much easier than the traditional makeup remover wipe, leaving you with less tugging on the delicate skin around your eyes and no traces of makeup left!
For your hair:
    • The benefits of coconut oil for your hair are endless. Coinciding with the moisture lock in that it provides for the skin, the same applies to hair. If your like me, the search for a conditioner that hydrates my hair without weighing it down was never-ending. Once I started using coconut oil, my hair was much more shiny and the dryness appears to be at bay for the most part. Just apply it to the ends of your hair as soon as you get in the shower, let it set while you bathe and then rinse(I usually shampoo twice to make sure all of the oil gets out.) 
    • Once a week, I mix up my own coconut oil mask to use as a deep conditioner. It promotes hair growth and leaves my hair feel super soft and manageable! 
              • 3/4 cup of extra virgin coconut oil
              • 1/2 cup of olive oil
              • 3-4 drops of tea tree & lavender essential oil
    • Leave this mask on your hair for 20 minutes before you shower and then rinse in the shower. Just like I mentioned before, make sure you shampoo at least twice to make sure all of the oil is washed out or you will be left with heavy, oily looking hair(not the look we are going for.) 
I hope this was helpful in providing some answers for your curiosity with this revolutionary beauty product and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! :)


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