Monday, August 19, 2013

My New Room!

So my mom and I decided this weekend that my room needed a little thing led to another and I ended up with a whole new look to my room! I wish that I would have thought to take before pictures but I got so wrapped up in getting things going that I forgot. But nevertheless, I have after pictures to share with you all! :)

We found this old desk for $40, spray painted it, distressed it & added on some glass knobs to make it look like a brand new desk! It gives me so much more room than my previous desk and I love the way it turned out! It's amazing what a little paint and TCL can do!

We also spray painted the chair I had with my previous desk with teal and recovered the seat with a yellow fabric. I think the contrast of the pink and teal is so pretty!

We also purchased this blue chair and yellow ottoman from Target! It is the softest chair I have ever felt and the ottoman offers some more storage, which I love. 

We are still in the process of deciding what to do with my dresser/TV set up. As of now, the TV is just going to sit on top of the dresser so it is out of the way. I can't decide if I like it this way or not but it really does offer a lot more space. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe it will give you some inspiration for re-vamping a room in your home! 


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