Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September Ipsy Glam Bag

Yesterday was a big day! I finally received my Ipsy Glam Bag in the mail! This is a day that I look forward to every month and it always makes me extremely happy to open up my little "present" and see what the good people at Ipsy have put together for me. I have to say though, I am a little disappointed with the products this time. Let's get started below and I'll tell you what I mean by that. 

September Ipsy Bag

Okay, when I first pulled this out of my bag, I was like oh no, not red. I have always had a difficult time trying to find red tones that truly look good against my skin tone and this immediately scared me. But I tried it on anyways and was very pleasantly surprised by how nice this looked. It is a gorgeous lip color BUT I do not understand why this is marketed as a lip balm. There is nothing balmy about this stuff, in fact it feels like a matte lipstick to me. It is incredibly dry on the lips and I would most definitely never wear this without putting a lip balm on underneath and a gloss on top. I put Urban Decay's lipgloss in Naked on top of it and it was a beautiful combination and added the hydration I was needing back into my lips. I wore this around for maybe an hour without much trouble or feathering but I ate dinner with it on and it was not a pretty sight after. If you are going to wear this, either don't eat while it is on or make sure you have a good red lipliner on underneath because as soon as I ate, it came off and left an awkward ring around the outline of my lips and it was not cute. I like the color of this "lip balm"but for the price and the lasting power, I would probably not purchase it because there are many products in the drugstore that beat this out in my opinion. 

I really, really like this color! I am a sucker for purple eyeshadows and I can honestly say that I do not have a purple like this in my collection. It is beautiful and perfect for the upcoming fall and winter months. I think this is the perfect color to add to the outer corner of a purple smokey eye or to pack on top of a black eyeliner. NYX eyeshadow blend super easy as well and last just as long as most of my higher end shadows. 

Not a fan. I will admit that it is a bit better than the last Pixie mascara that was included in last month's Ipsy bag but not by much. It doesn't appear to smudge but the wand doesn't impress me and didn't do much for my lashes. Like the Pixie mascara wand, it seems quite cheap and has a hard time gripping onto my lashes. For the price of this, which is same price as my beloved Tarte Light's, Camera, Lashes! or Buxom's Amplified Lash, I would not purchase it. 

This is an absolutely beautiful black eyeliner that is richly pigmented and glided on so easily to the back of my hand. The problem with this is that I know kohl eyeliners are mainly marketed to wear in the waterline and I don't put black eyeliner in my waterlines. It closes off my eyes and is just way too intense on myself but it can look amazing on others. It's just a personal preference. Anyways, I think this is a great product but it is just something that I probably won't get much use out of since I wear mostly liquid or gel on my upper lash lines and don't line the waterlines.

Victoria Jackson Eyebrow Pencil in Taupe ($14.95)

So I read a little bit on this this pencil since I had never heard of it and apparently it is a pretty popular brow product! It claims that it will work on any skin tone or hair color but I just have a hard time believing that. The taupe color is so light and I fill in my brows with dark browns, like MAC's Brun and MAC's brow pencil in Brunette. I figured I would just pass this on to my mom since she has lighter brown/blonde hair and it should fit her better. I might try it once and see how it goes and I will let you guys know if I like it but I just don't see that happening. 

P.S. I have provided links to each of these products; just click on the name of the product below each picture!


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