Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Return of the Blog..? read that correctly. I am bringing the blog back! I'm sure many of you are thinking to yourselves..where did she go in the first place? Well, let me break it down for y'all.

Summer 2013: Starts blog 
Fall 2013: Starts first year of college but still blogging sometimes
Spring 2014: Falls of the face of the blogging world. This comes as a result of taking 24 hours that semester (don't ask me why I did that; I still can't figure it out either).
Summer 2014: Takes 21 hours of summer classes (obviously, still no time for blogging)
Fall 2014: Starts at OU in Price College of Business as a Junior (my hard work paid off!)

This brings us to today and why I'm here. I started to realize that I really missed my little blog and the fun that I had writing and reviewing various make-up and beauty items. My hope is to get back on my blogging game from here on out. However, we must remember that I am still a college student and school has and will always come first. There may be some weeks where I'm a little absent but I promise to try to come back quickly.. :) So saying all of that, I want to welcome everybody back to my Sparkle & Shine blog! I have so many great things to share with you all as I get back into this and I can't wait to show you some awesome products I have discovered since I left! 

Be expecting some more posts soon! (Maybe even later today..)



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