Sunday, November 23, 2014

OOTD: Pops of Color in the Fall

Happy Sunday!

Here is my OOTD for you all! Although it's fall, I still like to incorporate some color into my wardrobe on occasion so here is an example of how I do that! The overall theme is still dark but I love that this dress is so bold and definitely an attention-grabber! On its own, this dress is pretty edgy so I decided to pair it with this light blue sweater to make it a little softer and more girly.

Here is a close-up of the pattern. Fun, right?

Dress: Target 
Sweater: Target 
Tights: Target 
Heels: Gianni Bini (can be found at Dillard's) 
Watch: Target 

(Clearly, I love Target. But then again, who doesn't?) 



Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Newest Addition

Hello friends,

As promised, I'm here with a new post! So, let's talk fall lipstick for a bit. When I say fall lipstick, I mean MAC's Heroine lipstick. To me, it's basically fall in lipstick form. I will give fair warning though: if you're not into purple lipsticks, you probably won't be into this. But those of you who are like me and dare to step away from the security of the classic light pink and nude lipsticks, then I have a game changer for you. 

I've always heard talk thrown around about MAC's Heroine lipstick but I hadn't really given much thought to it. I mean, who would choose to wear purple lipstick? If you would have asked me to put this on 2 years ago, I would have said heck no! But my tastes have changed and that's what has lead me to this gorgeous lipstick. 

The Specks: 

The Color: MAC's website refers to Heroine as a, "bright purple". I beg to differ. I would describe it as a darker purple and definitely fall appropriate. It definitely has some blue hues within it, which means your teeth look whiter and it flatters those of us who have warmer skin tones (like myself). 

The Finish: MAC is infamously known for the finishes on their lipsticks and this one falls in the matte category. Be sure to keep this in mind when deciding whether or not to purchase. Since it is matte, it will last for hours on your lips but it can be a bit drying.  However, you can easily combat this by using chapstick before you apply and/or adding a gloss on top. ( I recommend Revlon's Super Lustrous Lipgloss in Berry Allure.)

The Price: $16 at your nearest MAC counter or online. 

"Life always begins with one step out of your comfort zone." - Shannon L. Alder



The Return of the Blog..? read that correctly. I am bringing the blog back! I'm sure many of you are thinking to yourselves..where did she go in the first place? Well, let me break it down for y'all.

Summer 2013: Starts blog 
Fall 2013: Starts first year of college but still blogging sometimes
Spring 2014: Falls of the face of the blogging world. This comes as a result of taking 24 hours that semester (don't ask me why I did that; I still can't figure it out either).
Summer 2014: Takes 21 hours of summer classes (obviously, still no time for blogging)
Fall 2014: Starts at OU in Price College of Business as a Junior (my hard work paid off!)

This brings us to today and why I'm here. I started to realize that I really missed my little blog and the fun that I had writing and reviewing various make-up and beauty items. My hope is to get back on my blogging game from here on out. However, we must remember that I am still a college student and school has and will always come first. There may be some weeks where I'm a little absent but I promise to try to come back quickly.. :) So saying all of that, I want to welcome everybody back to my Sparkle & Shine blog! I have so many great things to share with you all as I get back into this and I can't wait to show you some awesome products I have discovered since I left! 

Be expecting some more posts soon! (Maybe even later today..)

