Tuesday, October 22, 2013

OOTD: Fall, Festive, & Floral

Cardigan: Target

Tank Top: Forever 21

Skirt: J.Crew

Scarf: Target

Tights: Target

Boots: Famous Footwear 


Friday, October 11, 2013

What about Colored Mascara?

Hello friends! I wanted to talk about a new trend for Fall: colored mascara. Colored mascaras have been around for quite a while but it seems like this year they are more popular than ever. With that being said, I decided to pick up one to try and share my thoughts with you all! 

Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Vision Violet ($6.40)

Isn't this picture awesome??

The Verdict: I honestly could not get this color to show up on my lashes. Although the last picture may be deceiving, it is a very dark, plumy purple that honestly looks like black mascara when applied to the lashes. I guess I should have picked a more vibrant color to test out but I wanted the purple one since I have green eyes. Overall, I am not very impressed with this product but I won't totally bash it because I did not choose a very bright color. I think they are fun to play around with and since this particular product is relatively cheap, I would say pick up a few and try them out for yourself! 


Monday, September 30, 2013

New YouTube Video!

Hello friends! I am so sorry I have been basically obsolete for a few weeks, college has definitely been an adjustment! I'm getting use to it though and learning how to manage my time! So on that note, I have put up a new YouTube video! This one is a purple smokey eye. It's not a dark smokey eye by any means but it has a "smokey" look to it so that's what I'm calling it! I've been having such a great time learning how to film and edit videos and I really enjoy it! I'm still working on getting some more up so when they finally make it onto YouTube, I will share it on here as well! I hope you all have a great week and I will talk to you again soon! :)


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

OOTD: Green & Blue Stripes

 Ignore my face. Haha. :p

Top: Tommy Hilfiger

Jeans: Tommy Hilfiger

Flats: Target


Sunday, September 22, 2013

My First YouTube Video!

Yes, I did it. I made my first YouTube video! I have always wanted to make YouTube videos and I finally just took the chance and made one! I am very excited to be able to share how I achieve make up looks and talk about my thoughts on all things beauty via the infamous YouTube. I will most definitely keep posting on this blog but I will always be sure to link my videos on here so you will be able to keep up with what I am doing over on YouTube! 

So without any further delay, here is my Fall Inspired Make Up Tutorial! 
